Become a member!
Membership is open to businesses, organizations and individuals in Nebraska with an interest in advocating for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Individual Membership
Family Membership
Sponsorships $300.00 Disability Service Provider Membership level is for nonprofit or community groups that represent people with disabilities.
Supporting Partner $600
Businesses membership for companies that support the Arc of Central Nebraska and individuals with barriers.
*All membership fees are due November 1st --- Memberships start November 1st or when you sign up to the next Nov.1st.
Membership Benefits Include:
- Membership in The Arc of Nebraska and The Arc of the U.S., with discounts to certain events available.
- Receive member-only Newsletter bi-monthly from The Arc of Central Nebraska
- Receive newsletters and mailings from The Arc Nebraska and The Arc U.S. on a quarterly basis.
- Admission to The Arc of Central Nebraska’s Christmas Banquet (For other memberships see specifics listed in membership information)
- Entrance to the Arc of Central Nebraska monthly dance for free. Food is not free. (For other memberships see specifics listed in membership information)
- Perks from local business.
- Opportunity to serve as an appointed director on The Arc of Central Nebraska’s Board of Directors.
- As well as Information, Resources and Support, Services and Programs, access to an online community, discounts to national events and free subscriptions to mission-related magazines from The Arc of Nebraska and The Arc of the U.S.
Disability Service Provider Membership Benefits Include:
- Everything that is included in an individual/family membership
- Admission to Arc of Central Nebraska Annual Banquet for 4 staff members.
- Admission to Arc of Central Nebraska dances at Resurrection Church for 4 staff members.
- Discount for up to 4 staff members for Catalyst Awards and Journey of Hope Concert.
Supporting Partner Membership Benefits Include:
- Everything that is included in an individual/family membership
- Company logo in bi-monthly (The Arc of Central Nebraska) Newsletter and Facebook page 2x per year.
- Logo added to our Website as a Supporting Partner.
- Four tickets for staff and/or administrative personnel to The Arc of Central Nebraska’s Christmas Banquet, Catalyst awards and Journey of Hope Concert.
- Admission to Arc of Central Nebraska dances at Resurrection Church for 4 staff members.